Nick Shen Weijun is an accomplished performer – an actor, a bilingual host, singer, radio DJ and theatre performer. He is well-versed in English, Mandarin and Chinese dialects, especially in Teochew.
Nick began his career as a drama and movie actor, singer and host. He won the Singapore Star Search competition after completing his acting course with MediaCorp, Singapore’s leading broadcasting company. Since then, he has garnered invaluable experiences as a media personality. Nick is the guest radio DJ for MediaCorp Capital 95.8FM. He is also a faculty member of the Singapore Media Academy’s where he lectures in the Diploma in Acting course.
Whilst establishing his career as a media personality, Nick relentlessly pursued his passion for Chinese Opera.
His prolific work and his versatility as a media personality and in Chinese opera has earned him numerous accolades.
In 2014, Nick was awarded the Honouree Award for the JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World – Singapore for the cultural achievement category. He was the only winner selected from a pool of over 200 candidates, to represent Singapore in Germany to compete against other youths from more than 150 countries. In 2015, Nick was invited to be the judge for Singapore Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World grand finals. He was also elected to be the Vice President of Junior Chamber International, JCI Mandarin Chapter Singapore. He was awarded the Most Outstanding JCI Member that year. He has since been invited every year to be the judge for the nominees of JCI Ten Outstanding Young Person of the World.
Passion for Chinese Opera
Nick has a deep affinity for Chinese opera and is adamant to keep this traditional art form alive in Singapore. He believes that Chinese opera is more than just a form of art. The stories portrayed in Chinese opera are very meaningful and steeped in moral values and life experiences.
In 2011, Nick started his own company – Tok Tok Chiang Wayang Pte. Ltd. as a platform to promote Chinese opera. The company has since been invited to partner with People’s Association to bring awareness of Chinese opera to the Singapore public. It also works with several government ministries and statutory boards to plan and conceptualise cultural events and workshops on Chinese opera for schools, museums, libraries, and shopping centres. Some of its clients include the Ministry of Education, National Heritage Board and the National Library Board.
To make Chinese opera enticing to people especially the Singaporean youth, Nick has created a hybrid genre of traditional Chinese opera dance with western magic techniques. Performances are also conducted on stage in the respective Chinese dialects with English surtitles in order to overcome the language barrier.
Nick continues to work hard at perfecting this art form, developing new techniques and learning new skills. He is the first actor in Singapore to master the unique Chinese art of Mask Changing. Nick was under the tutelage of China’s professional Mask Changing Master Li Shuimin for two years, and started performing Mask Changing since April 2013. He has since added Mask Changing to his hybrid genre of Chinese opera. His work has been featured in local and overseas media, including China Phoenix TV Station in 2015 and Taiwan Da Ai TV Station in 2014 and 2015.
Nick is also the Creative Director for many Chinese opera performances. He collaborated with the National Heritage Board’s Wan Qing CultureFest and Night Under The Stars (2011 to 2016) as well as National Library Board’s Chinese Opera workshops. In 2014, he conceptualized a multi-racial Chinese Opera performance – the first in Singapore – with Malay and Indian friends for Shan You Counselling Centre, which garnered positive feedback from Singapore’s Member of Parliament, Dr Lily Neo, and the audience.
Furthermore, Nick was the producer for three consecutive years for the Esplanade’s Mid-Autumn Festival from 2014 to 2016.
Public Performances
Nick’s unique ability to relate and connect with everyone has made him a very popular host.
He has hosted many community grassroots events as well as events involving the Bruneian royalties and foreign dignitaries from Spain, Peru and Mexico. In 2013, Nick had the special privilege to host and perform for the Late Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kuan Yew at the Singapore National Day and Birthday Celebration for Founding Father of Singapore. Nick has also hosted and performed in many charity projects and large-scale events in the presence of VIPs such as the President of Singapore Halimah Yacob, former President Tony Tan, former President SR Nathan, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat as well as numerous Ministers and Members of Parliament .
Nick also actively performs in many charity shows for the National Cancer Centre Singapore, National Kidney Foundation and President’s Star Charity etc. In December 2013, he performed the lead role in Tzu Chi’s Water Repentance stage musical with the former Member of Parliament Mr Yeo Guat Kwang. He was also invited to perform in Taiwan and China by the director of Money & You, Professor Lin Wei Xian. He was selected by prominent local film director and producer Jack Neo to be his co-trainer in the Filmmaker’s Workshop in from 2013 to 2016.
In November 2017, Nick was invited to Teochew perform for the Mayor Mr Akira Oshima who is the Senior Associate Director from Toyama Perfectural Government and Mayor, 笹原さん(Sasahara San) of Toyama Prefecture and his staff. The mayor truly enjoyed the opera performance and gifted Nickthree precious pieces of Jade from his personal collection. Nick also introduced the 154 year-old Lao Sai Tao Yuan Teochew Opera Troupe to the audience in Asahi Machi(朝日町).
Read more about Nick's Community Service
沈炜竣,2014 世界十大杰出青年。他凭借“《才华横溢出新秀》狮城之星男子组冠军”踏入演艺圈,观众被他俊朗活泼的外型和投入的演绎方式深深吸引。歌唱、主持、魔术表演、舞台剧等都难不倒努力不歇的他。
由于深受其籍贯潮州文化影响,他自幼就热衷于潮州戏曲这门逐渐被现代人淡忘的艺术,他的热忱和努力为他赢得了众多商家、学校、慈善机构、乡亲会馆的青睐。多年来,他在本土、香港、泰国、印尼、越南、中国大陆和文莱各界进行表演,并代表新加坡参与 2012年中国上海国际艺术节演出。
2012年,他的文艺表演获得淡滨尼选区前国会议员伍碧虹女士赏识,特委任炜竣为淡滨尼负责艺术文化组织联办新社区活动, 为人民构思文艺节目。2018 正华区的国会议员,连荣华先也邀请炜竣成为基层领袖。
2013 年 和 2014 年,炜竣的事业获得一些长足进步。他被提名为世界十大杰出青年-新加坡荣衔。2014 年 4 月,他荣获世界十大杰出青年奖,文化荣誉成就奖。这几年也在本地导演粱志强的导演培训班中负责演绎课程,同时也联合主办新加坡传媒学院的演员训练班。
2013 年 8月很荣幸为新加坡国父李光耀先生主持国庆日和生日晚宴,同时呈现变脸表演。11月,他负责策划孙中山博物院的文化飨宴艺晚情活动,首次邀请新加坡国会议员马炎庆先生一起同台演出潮州戏。2013 年 12月他在慈济大型舞台剧《法譬入水》中演绎男主角—悟达国师,之后也受邀到台湾花莲慈济精舍与慈济证严法师分享参与过程。
2014年,炜竣被著名实践家知识管理集团董事长(Money & You)林伟贤博士邀请到中国大陆及台湾呈现十场文艺演出。他也安排策划善友辅导中心“子孙情,潮时代”的筹款活动,邀请马来和印度同胞一起呈现华族传统戏曲。在新加坡第一次呈现跨种族,跨文化的演出,获得许多正面的回应。炜竣也被选为 2014 年的新加坡行善大使,策划一些列礼貌运动和 ACC 非洲小孩的筹款活动。他也代表新加坡到德国和来自150多个国家的青年参加世界十大杰出青比赛,最后为新加坡得到世界十大杰出青年的荣誉奖项。
2015年,孙中山南洋纪念馆邀请炜竣的节目策划公司咚咚呛协助“星空下”一系列的节目。当中,他除了策划节目也担任当晚的主持人。他也受邀参加国庆日SG50 Sing Along 的一项活动。另外,炜竣再次在新传媒演员训练班的一个Diploma课程担任导师。除此之外他也在ACC当义工,陪伴非洲的小孩到新加坡中小学表演和主持。年底将会到非洲参与纪录片的拍摄。
2018,炜竣也代表新加坡国声音乐社参与中国广西南宁-东盟戏剧周演出。他与刘希瑛老师(首届粤剧红派艺术大赛金奖和广西粤剧节表演金奖得主)和梁素梅老师(国家一级演员和第 19 届中国戏剧梅花奖得主)同台演出粤剧。
2019 炜竣参与拍摄新传媒电视剧《谢谢你出现在我的行程里》和参与新加坡青年艺术节的开幕仪式及访问。9 月也会到中国参与 2019 中国广西南宁-东盟戏剧周演出。
English Name 英文名: Nick Shen Weijun
Chinese Name 中文名: 沈炜竣
Date of Birth 生日: 26th August (8月26日)
Height 身高: 1.75m(米)
Languages Spoken 精通语言:
English 英文, Mandarin 中文, Teochew 潮州话, Hokkien 福建话, Cantonese 粤语
Talents & Skills 才艺:
Acting 演艺, Hosting 主持, Singing 唱歌, Coaching 辅导, Performing Chinese Opera 戏曲表演, Sichuan Mask Changing 变脸表演 and Magic 魔术表演
Occupation 职业:
Actor 演员, Host 主持人, Entrepreneur 企业家, Troupe Owner 戏班班主
Honouree Award for JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (Cultural Achievement)
世界十大杰出青年荣誉大奖 (文化成就奖)
Star Awards’ Best Newcomer Award
红星大奖 最受欢迎新人奖
All Asian Star Search Singapore Male Champion